Saturday 21 February 2009

Time May Change Me, But I Still Chase Wine

Well, dear readers, big changes are afoot. The Housemate has gone, run away to the capital and then back to her country, leaving your Humble Blogger alone in the pad for another couple of weeks. How is she celebrating this? By downloading Lost and watching endless movies on cable. And studying for the exam? Making the most of the free house by throwing all-night-long, drug-addled parties? Cleaning? Dear Readers, you know as well as I do that none of these things will ever really come to pass.

The cleaning, however, is being sporadically taken into hand by the Frenchman. Why? What would be his interest in cleaning his only girlfriend's flat? Another change in the world of Expats. The Frenchman, his loyal sidekick Frenchie II, and El Chileno, are all moving in at the end of the month. Whilst this was in fact your Humble Blogger's own genius idea, in a bid to hold onto the Flat of Dreams (TM) whilst simultaneous easing the monthly ache of her bank account, as well as reducing the chance of Les Frogs finding an apartment on the other side of town and thus creating many a cause for this blogger getting off her ever-expanding derriere, there is an issue. And it is thus:

This apartment is my space. When the Housemate was away for three weeks, and then came back and immediately announced plans to depart again, your Humble Blogger felt at ease having a space to call her own. And now, the Invasion. It is coming, and it will be ugly.

But there are upsides. Les Frogs and El Chileno are entertaining, to say the least. They go out. They have people round. They cook. They clean. This is not to say that I won't - I have now perfected the art of chocolate brownie-making and am well on the way to almost learning how to cook (baked goods and fudge aside), and I have almost raised my washing per week ratio to 1. Almost. But they are good to have around. And Le Frog will be obliged to share a bed with me every night (there is now, frankly, nowhere else for him to run).

And we have wine. 6 bottles of good Cabernet Sauivignon, complete with asado-style knife, fork and chopping board, for 60 pesos. Otherwise known at £12. What does this mean, dear readers? That even when your Humble Blogger craves her own space and loses a little bit of her sanity, she can just pop into the kitchen, find some wine and lose a little bit of her dignity too.

1 comment:

Le.Zorr0 said...

In only two days i have become of your blog, you write just things that i know, but thet are funny.

Ah! and i am very grateful that you don't include me in the group of the frogs, and you say the frog and "El Chileno". Lol

Au revoir, Zorr0.